Awakening vs Maturing…Hell vs Karma…

At the time of my accident I didn’t believe in heaven or hell. I didn’t believe in God or a reason for this life. I for sure wasn’t scared of hell, because I didn’t believe an afterlife existed. I didn’t believe Mediums could talk to dead people, it didn’t matter. I didn’t need a religious figure threatening me every Sunday morning with the fear of hell if I didn’t behave.

What I call “My Awakening,” took a hell of a long time. I would hear voices when I could see no one talking, I could see spirit when no one was there. I could see spirit talking to me and I still didn’t believe. Not only was I a doubting Thomas and a skeptic, but I thought I was schizophrenic.

My guides and angels dragged me to school for each lesson, kicking and screaming. I don’t know if it was an awakening or just maturing that changed the way I thought. I knew this life wasn’t about money, power and ego. I didn’t need a belief in hell to keep me in line. Call it common sense or better yet, horse sense. W.C Fields said that, “Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people.”

Now knowing I can talk to dead people (Because I’ve had it proven to me thousands of times with millions of validations), I believe when spirit tells me there is no hell and purgatory. There are different levels in heaven. I know people on the first five floors of heaven. I want to know the people on the last six floors. What really scares me is not death, but karma and reincarnation.

It didn’t matter if I or anyone believes in heaven or hell. But we will reap what we sow, so to speak. I know what the dead say about coming back. What really interested in is what children under the age of six remember. It’s the little innocent children that say things about past lives that can be documented that interests me. . Past lives just blows my mind. I’ve been regressed to two past lives and my wife has been regressed to 16 lives and I was in 8 of those. There is a difference in believing and knowing. Once you do your own research and go through the necessary life experiences you will know. No rush, we have unlimited opportunities to learn.

Even if there was a remote possibility of hell existing (And I do believe once you cross over and see the bad things we’ve done, you have the “Wow, I could have had aV8 moment.” And that will be a type of hell because you know the difference between right and wrong on the other side.) I wouldn’t be scared, because there would be nothing you could do about it then. You’d be going or you wouldn’t. You’d be tortured for eternity or you wouldn’t. What scares the hell out of me, pun intended, is karma.

I’m not so worried about the karma I’ll have to repay in this lifetime and I am trying to pay it forward as far in advance as possible. But, what if I was one of the ignorant S.O.B.’s that participated in the holocaust or the extermination of Native Americans. What then? I know better now, but what about then? I don’t think as soon as you die, you get sent back. I think that is reserved to the higher souls that know what they are doing. I think the rest of us get a little coaching before our return visit to what might be hell on earth to advance our immortal soul.

You can’t learn everything in heaven, because heaven is perfect. How can you learn infinite love if you haven’t experienced infinite grieving, pain and suffering? Really, someone can tell you not to touch the hot stove, but until you experience it yourself, you see what I’m saying. Now how many times or lives do you have to experience it? I’m sure we have to reset the bar on every life. I am really up for negotiation at this point. I don’t want to pay back stuff that my stupid former lives did. So if you want something to fear or need something to keep you on the straight and narrow I suggest you take karma.

I’m going to connect people with their loved ones on the other side and assure them they are alive and well, not in pain or suffering, and love you unconditionally and are around you. I hope the people I read for will get peace from this and that they will believe there is another side. It doesn’t matter if you believe in reincarnation or God because it is out of your hands. This life is all about personal relationships, getting it right and trying to understand the joy in life. As you mature you will awaken. Enough Said. You are welcome to return to your regularly scheduled programing. Pun intended!

Steve Spur

Steve Spur is an Evidential Psychic Medium based in the Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas area. He reads for people all over the United States to reconnect people with their friends, family and loved ones who have crossed over.

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