Go ahead and get mad at God…

He has a plan for you… It’s not what you think… I used to get so mad at God, the church and finally fell off the end of the world with no religion that could save me. I was ignorant. But like Will Rogers said, we’re all ignorant, only on different subjects. So education saves.…

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Lou Diamond Phillips

How specific can a spirit be? This afternoon a brother in spirit came through for his sister, and he showed me an actor’s photo and I couldn’t remember his name. So I said, he’s showing me the Dallas actor who played Mexican and Native American parts and was in the movie, “Young Guns.” She said,…

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Don’t Think That Everyone is on Your Soul Level!

You get mad at someone you think should know better. But what if they don’t? What if they haven’t learned common courtesies? You may have reached a level of forgivness, compassion and unconditional love that those around you haven’t learned yet. If a two year old child broke your most precious possession, how long would…

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