There is survival after death.
My purpose as a psychic medium is to give you the evidence!

There is survival after death.
My purpose as a psychic medium is to give you the evidence!
"There is no death. Only a change of worlds." - Chief Seattle
Steve Spur is an evidential medium based in Dallas, Texas. He connects people all over the world with their loved ones in spirit to bring messages of love and hope. He gives you proof they are alive and well on the other side, such as names, how they died, birthdays, death days, anniversaries, pets, cars they drove, what they did for a living, personal belongings, conversations and stories that no one but family and friends know.
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See Steve Spur at Work The Purpose of Mediumship, is to Give Evidence There is Survival After Death!
Steve uses his gifts of clairvoyance (clear seeing) and clairaudience (clear hearing) to bring messages to help those who need to connect one last time. He is the biggest skeptic. For a skeptic, there is a big difference in believing in heaven and knowing there is a heaven! Before Steve had his accident, he didn’t believe in an afterlife. Let him prove to you there is a heaven.

Steve suffered a severe concussion and was hospitalized and released. Within a few weeks, he started hearing voices and music when nobody was around him. Then, he started seeing spirit and having conversations with dead people in his dreams.
After seeing the Medium John Edward on TV late one night, he took a VHS tape of the show to dinner with the woman who is now his wife.