It Was A Good Day to Die…
Sometimes when I’m talking to spirit for a client, the spirit will say tell them, “It was a good day to die.” I tell spirit, “Nope, ain’t going to do it. They won’t understand.” Spirit says, “Make them understand!” “It’s a good day to die,” is a Native American quote, often misquoted and misunderstood. It…
The Eyes of Your Soulmate…
It is said the eyes are the windows of the soul. I believe this. You will remember your soulmates eyes through an infinity of incarnations. Eyes patterns are like finger prints, no two are alike. One of many déjà vu experiences you will have, is when you meet somebody that you think you’ve met before,…
Love is everywhere…
Love is everywhere, you just have to find it. Written on our chalk board by my 9 yr old granddaughter!
Just remember life doesn’t always turn out like you expected or wanted!
I wanted to be a jockey when I was growing up. My grandmother broke the news to me when I was 13, that I wouldn’t be a jockey, but could be an excercise rider or trainer. I’m 6’3”, 240lbs.But life worked out!
What if…
something you do in the future will be the catalyst to help make the world we live in a better place. Nothing you do is insignificant. There is a reason for everything. You are more important than you know!
Sometimes Forgetting is just as Good as Forgiving…
I was at the zoo one day with my 3-yr-old granddaughter. About the time we were walking in front of the Elephant exhibit I stepped on her foot. She bounced up and down and fussed and tried to cry. So I picked her up and told her how sorry I was and asked “Do you…
I am…
One of his students asked Buddha,“Are you the messiah?“ “No”, answered Buddha.“Then are you a healer?“ “No”, Buddha replied.“Then are you a teacher?” the student persisted. “No, I am not a teacher.“ “Then what are you?” asked the student, exasperated. “I am awake,” Buddha replied.
Spirit Came 300 miles from Heaven…
One of the best readings I’ve ever given involved a young girl who died in an automobile accident. Her whole family came for the reading, five total. I got a great connection right away, she told me her name how she died and the first three minutes would have been a great reading for all…
It’s in the DNA…
Watched the movie, The Last Mimzy on TV, and toward the end my five yr old granddaughter asked what DNA and Genes were?I explained the best I could do, so the movie would make sense while promising the little girl in the movie wouldn’t get hurt. I Told her that both DNA are very Watched…
Go ahead and get mad at God…
He has a plan for you… It’s not what you think… I used to get so mad at God, the church and finally fell off the end of the world with no religion that could save me. I was ignorant. But like Will Rogers said, we’re all ignorant, only on different subjects. So education saves.…