What does your rock look like?…

I was at a medicine wheel ceremony and my guides told me to look down and pick a small rock to commemorate the occasion. Pick something that is you. So while the medicine man was chanting, I looked down at my feet to vast array of stones. I spotted a perfect little quartz stone that was free of blemishes, round and smooth, it was in perfect shape. My guide’s asked is this you? I thought about it for a second and kept looking. Then I found an odd shaped piece of limestone that had a bunch of holes and a crack in it, it was sharp on one side and rough on the other. It would take a million more years for this rock to become smooth and perfect. I picked it up and put it in my jean’s pocket. “You chose well,” my guide said.

Steve Spur

Steve Spur is an Evidential Psychic Medium based in the Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas area. He reads for people all over the United States to reconnect people with their friends, family and loved ones who have crossed over.

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