The Answer is…Jeopardy

A lot of the stuff spirit gives me during a reading is like a game of Jeopardy. Spirit will tell me the clue but it is the client that knows the answer. A recent reading for a brother and sister getting a message from their father was like this.

The number 28!

What is my jersey number playing high school football?

An old baseball glove.

What is my father’s glove that my grandmother sent to me two days ago?

Your first born will be a boy.

Who is my son that was born a month ago?

Just remember your loved ones in spirit are always with us and know all the answers now!

Steve Spur

Steve Spur is an Evidential Psychic Medium based in the Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas area. He reads for people all over the United States to reconnect people with their friends, family and loved ones who have crossed over.

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