As a matter of fact, in this lifetime you have about 20 to 30 soulmates in a soul group that you reincarnate each life. I hated to even think about the possibility of reincarnation!!! I wasn’t raised that way, I wanted to go to hell or heaven and get it over with. Damn it! What do you mean there’s no hell? Where did half of my friends go? I was curious about the more than one soulmate thing though.
You have a group of spiritual friends that you hang out with to learn life lessons. If you were to live to be 99 years old, when you get to the other side (heaven) you will have felt as you were only out of heaven for about two weeks. Your soul is already is in heaven and you never have left, but that’s another story.
You’re hanging out with your soul group passing around possible movie scripts that you can perform down on earth to evolve your soul and try to learn such things as patience and unconditional love. You know the kind of things that Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, all of the saints and greatest teachers in the world tried to teach.
You decide who will marry to whom, who will be the kids, who you will fall in love with and they will break your heart and leave you an emotional cripple, who treats you like shit, who will love you and forgive you for eternity. They are all in your soul group. All three husbands or wives that you had, the great teachers in school and the lousy teachers that you promised never to repeat their mistakes all guided you in this life of exploring so you can learn unconditional love and forgiveness.
Here’s the kicker, the more you learn and the more you grow as in spirit, you are less involved in being the star in this life and more into helping other people in your group and others to be a star! You will get more out of coaching than winning the Super Bowl. You will find satisfaction in helping others grow! Congratulations, you are one step closer to not having to reincarnate again! You get to pass go and collect $200 and stay in heaven and help from the sidelines.
You can’t take the gold medals, trophies, money and titles with you to heaven. It’s all about how you handle the relationships in your life right now, the good the bad and the ugly! Step back and enjoy your loves, friendships and beauty all around you. Share your lessons with others.