Sometimes I Thank God for Unanswered Prayers…
The Garth Brooks song will make you stop and think, What if? I can tell you that you had a plan for your life before you came down here. I often think, what the hell was I thinking too! But, you have guides and angels that are keeping you on your path.
How would you have yourself learn unconditional love, compassion and forgivness? I used to get mad at God for the way my life was going, until I realized he didn’t plan this life for me. I along with my guides, angels and closest friends and loved ones did. It must have sounded good at the time!
Knowing what I know now about life, death, heaven and reincarnation, I can assure you will learn everything you set out to learn in this lifetime. Your ego will screw with your heart and you will mess things up, but you will get back on your feet and finish the race. You planned the day of your birth and death. You have free will to do anything you want, although you asked some very important people on the other side to keep you on track with your lessons. To learn forgiveness, you have to do wrong and be wronged. To learn unconditional love you have to be hated for no reason and unloved for some period of time.
To feel compassion for someone, you must go through the same trials and tribulations that someone else has gone through. We call these painful events, life lessons.
Not everything is going to turn out the way that you hoped. Everything will happen to you that you need and for a reason. A wise teacher once told me to try to learn my life lessons in love and beauty. Not all of the pain is necessary. Do your best and that is all you can ask of yourself. You are not in this alone!