Love is everywhere…
October 6, 2020//
Love is everywhere, you just have to find it.
Written on our chalk board by my 9 yr old granddaughter!
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Love is everywhere, you just have to find it.
Written on our chalk board by my 9 yr old granddaughter!
Steve spur
I found diffecut to believe that people who connect spirit is laying about hell & punishment to control us .
You said about haunting that the universe is energy & frequencies so they tap into haunting.
May be spirit is giving them what they want for new incarnate experience & what they sign in their destiny before they come here .
I don’t trust that they are lie about their connection to spirit .
Hi 👋 Steve spur 🥰💗⚘
Can you write a blog every day so I can read them , when I wake up in morning 🌄🙂
Please Steve write more this way you will learn & teach us from your school 🏫🙏😀
Your faithful