Free Will…Suffering is Optional

Many times spirit shows me that my client or someone they know is going to live for a very long time, but if they don’t change their lifestyle they are going to suffer a long time before their death. It is a choice and we all have free will. The only thing set in stone is your birthday and your death day. You get to decide how you will live. Before you came down here or born, you gave your guides a list of life experiences you’d like to live so you could evolve your soul.

If you go off your life’s plan, your guides can shut some doors and show you some signs, but it’s your life. If you decide to do nothing about the illness you have, or decide to quit taking the pills or to keep smoking even though you cough like you have tuberculosis, it’s your call. Just know your still going to live the same time you planned for, you’ll just go through unneeded suffering until your death day.

I learned from one of my teachers to ask your guides to learn your lessons in love and beauty. I don’t have to have a heart attack or a stroke to know what someone is going through or to learn compassion. I try to live my life with the least amount of pain and suffering that I can using my free will. So can you! It’s hard to see the big picture down here on earth. But know there is a lesson in the experience of suffering. Sometimes we won’t be able to understand that lesson until we are on the other side. But until that time, try to take care of yourself as if you were to live to 100! How many times I have heard from spirit, “If I’d known I would have lived this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.” Free will is a double edged sword.

Steve Spur

Steve Spur is an Evidential Psychic Medium based in the Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas area. He reads for people all over the United States to reconnect people with their friends, family and loved ones who have crossed over.

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