Accidents are nothing more than an opportunity

I had a beautiful young man come through in a session for his mother yesterday. He died of a food allergy and wanted his mom to tell dad it wasn’t his dad’s fault! He said it was his time and that he would have died two days later of an asthma attack or later in the week in an auto accident. I believe everyone has a birth date and a death date. There are no accidents or chance. We have free will but some things are written in stone. Accidents are nothing more than an opportunity to learn experiences and emotions on the earth plane. You can’t learn this stuff on the other side! Pain, suffering and grief evolve the human soul. Take what you can learn from these experiences and lessons to help others. You live, love and learn so you can serve, teach and evolve.

Steve Spur

Steve Spur is an Evidential Psychic Medium based in the Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas area. He reads for people all over the United States to reconnect people with their friends, family and loved ones who have crossed over.

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