Déjà vu
Everything that you do or experience in this life is to evolve your soul. Sometimes the experience doesn’t take, or we make the wrong decision. It’s ok to fail these Soul tests, because we can retake the test as many times as we need to. I hate tests! I just want to pass not ace, just pass the test and move on. If we have to perfect the test, I’m screwed.
Déjà vu always makes me stop in my tracks. I freeze up and don’t want to take another step until I can try to figure it out. I can’t and hesitantly move on. I always wonder if I’m seeing or remembering scenes from the future or past. I ask myself am I making a decision that is life and death. It wasn’t until after much research and guidance from my guides that I realized these are heaven sent from your higher self, angels and guides to prove to you that you are on your path.
You see you read your life’s book (the akashic records) and scripts of most of your soul mates of what you will do, learn and experience in this current life time before you are born. You get to see the movie of your life with all of the options (free will) and the percentages that you will make the same decisions such as in other lives and repeated lessons. When you reincarnate with your group, your guides and angels show you little movie clips to help your subconscious to remember the decisions you made in heaven for this life, and hopefully again so we can experience the test and pass, (not guaranteed with our Ego) and to make you feel better that you are on the path that you and geniuses on the other side came up with for your life and group.
We all have free will. But the truth is we came down here with a script. Certain physical characteristics, that wouldn’t allow me to make the Olympic team in boxing (beside the point), but would help guide us to do what we’re good at. Even though we have free will, I can guarantee you that there is no chance or coincidence in your life.
In researching Déjà vu, I can tell you nothing is for certain. I believe physicists will figure all this out some day. Watch the movie What the Bleep Do We Know, and you will learn a little about multiple dimensions (Heaven is in one of these with your loved ones), time relativity theory by Einstein, M theory, etc. We might be living the same life in eight different dimensions with different choices and outcomes. We may be living in different time frames at the same time. You may be fighting in the Civil War today as you go off to work in downtown Dallas. We may be live multiple lives in this time frame on different parts of the earth. I may be a Buddhist monk in Thailand meditating right now. It so amazing to know what we don’t know.
If you get déjà vu, don’t freeze up like I do and knock your brain around trying to figure if you’ve been here before, or done this before or need to make a certain decision. Know that you are on the right path. Do everything for the highest good and keep paying it forward. Hey, it’s just a test, we’ll eventual learn unconditional love and forgiveness. We’ve got the rest of time.