See You in Two Weeks…In Heaven Time
I often get asked, “When will I see my loved ones again.” I say they will see you in about two weeks if you live to be 100. Time is not the same in heaven. I don’t like to read for anyone until their loved one has crossed over from at least three months. The first reason why is so my sitter can adjust to the shock and begin the grieving process. I’ve brought through spirit that have only been gone a few days, but I don’t think my sitter could comprehend everything from their loved one. Second, I like to give spirit about five minutes to get themselves together and meet the other loved ones before going straight into a reading.
As I am told by spirit, three months on earth is a little less than five minutes in heaven. If you live to be 100 on earth, it will seem as only two weeks have gone by in heaven. Young children on the other side have told me like this life was a day and a dream, and then they are on the other side. Everybody in your soul group will wait for you on the other side before all of you decide on another incarnation and what roles you’ll play, and who will be the mother, father, brother and sister.
Time is almost non-existent in heaven or the other side. How can this be? It helps if you understand a little psychics. I recommend the movie, “What the Bleep Do We Know!?” I explain it as heaven is in another dimension. Almost in our world, but much lighter, like a 360 degree two-way mirror, which is paper thin. Those on the other side can see us and hear us any time they want. They can stand by your side and with anyone else at the same time. They can watch 20 different football games at the same time and never miss a touchdown or fumble!
You’re loved ones can sit and watch TV with you. You may ask if they can see you all the time and the answer is yes, If they wanted to. Remember that once you cross over you keep your personality, but you are your angelic self. They are never mad or disappointed in you. Your life is kind of like watching the National Geographic channel at times, it’s a lot more boring than you think. They aren’t watching you naked or having sex. There is nothing embarrassing on the other side. You don’t have to pray for them anymore, because they are praying for you. Besides, they’ll see you in about two weeks, God willing, their time of course!