It was their Eyes and Smile…

Many times without asking, a spirit will tell me that they fell in love with their loved one who are still living, the first time they gazed into their eyes and saw them smile. Then they may go on and on about their loved ones eyes or smile, before I break up the love fest…

Couldn’t Make That Up…

Recently I had an older gentleman as a client who wanted to connect with his father. One of the first things his father showed me were two old rotary phones in the house one red and one black. I didn’t have a clue why he would show me this and why they were different colors.…

$600 Reading???

Earlier is my career spirit gave a great reading to one of my clients, of course back then I’d take my share of credit for it. A few months later the client wrote to tell me that they had a reading with one of the Mediums who frequented TV shows. They said that the readings…

Do you know anything about your Grandparents or Great-Grandparents?

Because they know everything about you! Once you crossover you get to rewind the video of everybody’s lives you were connected to. They know everything about you from the time you were born to seconds ago. Sometimes Spirit gives me specific dates for birthdays, death days and anniversaries. They do this so you can validate…

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock…

Your grandfather on the other side wants to know, what in the hell you’re waiting for? He’s talking about you’re wish list or bucket list. Do you think you have all the time in the world? Let’s get going, bust a move, you’re burning daylight! Get the job that you want, break up with the…

You Picked This Life…

Your guides and angels told me we picked this life and path before we were born to evolve our soul. Most of us are on our path. Those who are lost may be consumed by grief, pain, suffering, loss or ego and must find their way back. Fear holds you back and keeps you from…

The Answer is…Jeopardy

A lot of the stuff spirit gives me during a reading is like a game of Jeopardy. Spirit will tell me the clue but it is the client that knows the answer. A recent reading for a brother and sister getting a message from their father was like this. The number 28! What is my…

What It’s Like to Die…

I’ve had so many people ask what it’s like to die, so I wanted to share what your loved ones say. You can’t remember when you were born, but at a certain moment in time you gasped and took your first breath. It was a feeling unlike anything you had experienced before. You realized you…

Who Do You Want to Talk To?

There are some mediums that will not ask you anything, including who you want to talk to. I found this to be wrong. When I first started out, I read people in circles and psychic fairs, where the reading would last from five to 15 minutes. I would receive a great message from mom and…

Déjà vu…

Déjà vu, used to scare the hell out of me until I understood why it happens. It’s the feeling that you’ve been in a certain place before or have done something before. It scared me because I knew I had experienced it before and thought I was supposed to change the path or outcome of…

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