The Good ‘ol Days

When I bring through your loved ones during a reading it’s like a family reunion. They don’t bring up the fun times in the past to make you sad. They do it to make you happy. They want to share the good memories with you. Are you making them proud of you? They want you…

Déjà vu

Everything that you do or experience in this life is to evolve your soul. Sometimes the experience doesn’t take, or we make the wrong decision. It’s ok to fail these Soul tests, because we can retake the test as many times as we need to. I hate tests! I just want to pass not ace,…

The Eyes of Your Soulmate

It is said the eyes are the windows of the soul. I believe this. You will remember your soulmates eyes through an infinity of incarnations. Eyes patterns are like finger prints, no two are alike. One of many déjà vu experiences you will have, is when you meet somebody that you think you’ve met before,…

See You in Two Weeks…In Heaven Time

I often get asked, “When will I see my loved ones again.” I say they will see you in about two weeks if you live to be 100. Time is not the same in heaven. I don’t like to read for anyone until their loved one has crossed over from at least three months. The…

Original Ideas…

Knowing what I do now about the other side… I don’t think I’ve had an original idea in my life. Our Guides give it to us all and we take the credit.

You Ain’t Foolin’ Nobody…

So many times in a reading a loved one comes through and talks about something that occurred after they died with the person I’m reading for saying, “They don’t know that person, or they weren’t alive then!” Before the reading begins I always explain, that once you die, you can rewind the video recorder back…

Young People, but Old Souls, Speak of Heaven…

As a medium, I really don’t get to ask questions of your loved ones. I’m like a translator between the dimensions. I ask your loved ones how they died, what’s your name, who are you with, things like that, but it’s their show and dollar. The easiest connections come from old souls, and they are…

The Key to Learn Everything in the World?

Everything does happen for a reason. Those on the other side constantly tell me, “When you see the big picture…you will understand everything.” Too bad we’ve got to die to see the “Big Picture.” To learn everything there is in the world and to attempt to be a perfect soul will take many lifetimes. The…

Color Blind…

As I picked up my first grade granddaughter from school the kids were all lined up in front of the playground ready to be released. I asked her who was the black girl sitting behind her was? She said, you mean the girl that had the pony tail? The one who was wearing the blue…

It’s Going to Hurt, a Lot…

When my oldest granddaughter was three she loved playing with her little Doc McStuffin’s doctor kit. She would give me an exam, check my blood pressure, take my temperature, check my reflexes with the little hammer and always come up with the same diagnosis. You’re going to need a shot! I would always ask, is…

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