To the Young People out there…

You’re not getting the message. You can’t screw up this life! You are perfect! Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we are not meant to know the reason until later. You are the way you are because of the things that have happened to you. This is why you are so special and you will…

The Gift…

Thank you for all of the birthday wishes I received this week. I think back to all the gifts I received through birthdays past and find there is one gift that stands above the rest. I have been given the gift of being able to see life through the eyes of my four-year-old and nine-month-old granddaughters.…

One Minute Challenge…

For just one minute today, use your imagination or daydream. Just for one minute, we don’t want it to get out of hand. We don’t want to enjoy ourselves too much. The right side of your brain wants to come out and play. Let it play for one minute today and I can promise you…

It Was A Good Day to Die…

Sometimes when I’m talking to spirit for a client, the spirit will say tell them, “It was a good day to die.” I tell spirt, “Nope, ain’t going to do it. They won’t understand.” Spirit says, “Make them understand!” “It’s a good day to die,” is a Native American quote, often misquoted and misunderstood. It…

You didn’t get the sign???

There are no coincidences or chance. Lately the guides, angels and loved ones of my clients said you’re missing the signs they are sending. The signs are in the music you listen to, the TV and movies you watch, the numbers that you see, but don’t make the connection. The blinking lights, random coins that…

What It’s Like Crossing Over to The Other Side…

Sometimes Spirit shows me what their crossing was like to the other side. Recently, an older women who died in the hospital, showed me her taking her last breath. She said it was like holding her breath as if she was being baptised in a lake. As she came closer to the other side it…

Think Outside the Box!

My granddaughter who just turned four this month was on a road trip with her family recently. They passed a truck pulling a trailer and she asked, “Mommy do you think there are cows in there?” Mommy said, “I don’t think so.” My granddaughter thought about it for a second and said, “Yeah, it’s probably…

You Don’t Think Your Life Has Made A Difference?

“Give yourself more credit for what you have done and the lives of others you have effected,” is a common theme in my readings for the past several months. Why is spirit sending me these people who don’t think their lives matter?  My wife PJ, is a hypnotherapist. In in one of my past lives…

Who the Hell Picks a Cowboy Psychic?

I always ask clients how they heard about me. It is usually split evenly between word of mouth and having found my website on the internet. They say, “I don’t know why I picked you…or I just felt drawn to you…” I always bail them out. That’s ok, you didn’t pick me. Who the hell goes…


I find it ironic that so many people come to me that want to believe in an afterlife, to get messages from people on the other side that were a non-believers. First thing they say when I connect with spirit on the other side is, “I thought this was all BS when I was alive!”

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