You’ll Remember…

The first time I had my first reading with a medium, he knocked my socks off! I was astonished and amazed. It’s been over 18 years since that reading and I remember just about every word and still get goosebumps. It still blows my mind that he could bring through both my grandfathers, told me…

So Why Are You Worried?

Spirit comes through time and time again and tells my clients, “Don’t worry. We’ve got this.” Most of the time we worry about things out of our control. Spirit insists, “We got this shit!” It doesn’t do any good to worry. It’ll just give you ulcers. Spirit is aware of everything you are going through…

What the Hell is Karma Anyway?

I watch a bully hit a smaller kid and walk off. The smaller kid hopes he gets hit by a bus, but I know different. It doesn’t work that way. I don’t believe in instant karma, regardless of what videos you’ve seen on Facebook. I mean every once in a while the mean kid does…

The First Time I Got Read by a Medium…

I was 41 the first time I got read by a medium. After my accident I had been hearing voices, music and seeing spirit, but I didn’t believe you could talk to dead people. That’s ok because I didn’t believe in an afterlife or religion either, I was a stone cold skeptic. I went to…

Would You Help Someone Stuck On the Side of the Road?

I tell my clients that nobody grows up wanting to be a medium. Well, maybe Tyler Henry. I sure as hell didn’t. After my accident, I kept my mouth shut for 7 years, didn’t tell anyone I could see and hear spirit. Hell, I didn’t even know what a medium was. I was a skeptic…

How to Open Your Sixth Sense…

If you are a day dreamer or have a good imagination this is going to be easy for you. If not, you’re going to have to work on it. The right side of your brain will do all the work, you just have to switch it on. People talk about your third eye in the…

Past Lives and Déjà vu…

I believe that our souls are in heaven right now! We bring down about 20 to 30% of our energy to inhabit this body to learn certain lessons that we can’t learn in heaven. Every night we go to sleep and hook up with our soul or higher self and we are able to connect…

So, What’s Heaven Like? “Surreal!”

Children in spirit are more likely to tell me what heaven is like than adults. But last week I had a gentleman’s best friend tell him what heaven was like. The spirit started out by saying, I know you have a lot of questions about heaven. And my client said, he thinks about heaven every…

How Long Are You Going to Stay Mad?

I’ll ask my client if they can have a sister or mom validate what spirit is bringing through and they will say, Oh I’m not talking to them! And spirit smiles at me and says tell them the story. So I say, if a two-yr-old child broke your most precious possession, how long would you…

Signs! I Can Win the Lotto Now!

It’s been three months since my father transitioned. His animal sign to me is a Red Robin. He’s shown me it quite often, just when I thought Robins had abandoned Waxahachie. He came through for me in a meditation for me last week. I gave him a hug and told him I loved him and…

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