Before every reading…
I meditate for about fifteen minutes and call upon all of my guides, angels, mediums, medicine men, psychics and healers on the other side to help me.
Should you be an “Approved” medium?
There are a lot of mediums who say they have been verified or approved by a certain person or group. Some magazines even have rankings! To me it’s like the guy who brags about his martial arts belt. I’ll mention that I studied martial arts. So they always have to ask what belt were you?…
Walk In Souls?
Some people believe that another soul can walk into your body and swap or takeover, so you can learn soul lessons from this body and life. I don’t believe in walk ins. Before my accident I didn’t believe in God or talking to dead people either. I don’t believe, because when your life lessons are…
If there is Reincarnation? How Can a Medium Talk to Dead people?
Most mediums are hesitant to talk about reincarnation. But, I don’t know a medium that doesn’t believe in it. Here in the Bible belt, folks want to live a good life and go to heaven when they die and want the others who didn’t live the right life to go to hell. Now up until…
Dead Dogs On The Bed…
I’m a light sleeper anyway, but when you add the number of big dogs I’ve had and are crossed over in heaven, but smart enough to breach the heaven dimension wall (It’s thinner than a piece of paper and you see through) and navigate to my bedroom and bed. I wouldn’t mind so much as…
Someone’s Mom Got In My Head…
I never really know what to expect when spirit gives me messages for their loved ones. Usually it’s a home movie clip, a symbol that I can translate and sometimes it is very direct, Like December 21st and a birthday cake. So I know someone’s birthday is on December 21st. Easy enough. But it’s not…
Yes, Dead Loved Ones Can Walk Into Your Dreams!
I call these visitation dreams and you’re not losing your mind. They usually happened just before you wake up in the morning and you will see them, sometimes they will say something like, “You left your car keys on the breakfast table.” You may engage them and say, Why are you telling me this you’re…
Ever Been to a Medium?
I realized this week after doing dozens of readings, that I’m not really doing readings, but conducting family reunions! I’m giving concrete proof that your loved ones on the other side are alive and well and can see and hear everything. Then it’s family reunion time! Remember the trip where we rented the cabin and…
People Can Change or What’d My Horse Do to You?
Before my accident and had the gift of mediumship bestowed on me, my favorite saying was, “Fuck you and the horse you rode in on!” I really didn’t like people and just loved my horses. Then I was introduced to this new concept of “Unconditional Love,” by my guides and angels. Not only was I…
How to Pick a Cowboy Psychic Medium…
First off pick a skeptic. Having lived all over the country from L.A. to New York, I’ve worked with every type of people in the world, at the racetrack, boxing gym, bars and night clubs, retail, management and I don’t trust them. Nothing personal, if someone says they can throw a football eighty yards, I’ve…